Monday, December 5, 2011


The Afro remained a popular hairstyle throughout the 20th century with famous figures in the music industry like Michael Jackson and The Supremes sporting the hairstyle.
Young Michael Jackson
The Supremes

The Afro Comb is still finds itself in popular culture today:
Rapper/Hip-Hop artists Ludacris
A popular costume called "DiscoFro"
T-shirt depicting the Afro Comb and the clenched Black Power fist

Important artifacts throughout history tend to come and go. But their message always stays. Could African-American's live without the Afro Comb? Of course. But it will always remain an incredible source of self-expression for Black individuals. For Africans, it was an art form--a nothing crafted into something that told stories and bore great cultural and philosophical meaning. For African Americans, it was the embodiment of a truth long denied to an entire culture of people: Black is Beautiful. 

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